Year 3 enjoyed our trip to Hull city center to discover all about the fishing industry and how it shaped Hull as a city.
We were very excited before we even arrived at the KCOM learning zone as we saw a portrait of Big Lil and could say why she was important. We spent some time at the beginning of the day recalling all the facts we already knew about the fishing industry. We knew lots of facts such as Hull’s first dock was built for whaling ships and was called The Dock but we were all surprised when we discovered this is now Queen’s Gardens..
We found out lots more information from our session with Children’s University. We were all very shocked when we discovered that Hull was once the worlds largest port.
Once we had discovered these facts we had the opportunity to go and ask members of the public the same information. We found out that older people knew lots of facts about the fishing industry in Hull however younger people did not know as much.
We spent some time finding out even more information about the fishing industry by conducting our own research. We got to find out what life was like onboard a trawler and and that fishermen only spent 3 days at home between fishing trips. This helped to give them the name ‘3 day millionaires’. We also discussed how important the Headscarf Revolutionaries were in preventing many deaths at sea.
After our morning of research we got to see the influence of the fishing industry around the city. We visited many important sites including ‘The Last Trip’ memorial, the fishing gate where fish was taken to the markets from the trawlers and we saw one of the fish shops where lots of fish was sold in Hull.