Christopher Pickering Primary School is a larger than average, oversubscribed, primary school. We are newly built, opening in September 2012, comprising of the enlarged Bethune Park Primary School and 150 pupils from Tilbury Primary School, which closed in August 2012 having just come out of Special Measures. It also comprises of two LA Hearing Impaired Units which were located at each school, one catering for deaf aural pupils and one catering for deaf signing pupils. This is an additional provision resource. We have also co-located alongside the primary department of Ganton Special School to realise our vision of creating a fully inclusive and personalised learning environment for pupils with a wide range of needs
The vision for the new school from Hull City Council (April 2010)
“With the bringing together of Tibury Primary, Ganton Special School, the ESHV service and Bethune Park Primary School in a new building on a new site, we aim to further develop the excellent work which all of the individual parts have developed to establish a new ‘Centre of Excellence’ for the community. This 21st centre school will be forward thinking, innovative and aspirational with a rich language environment and a sense of community.”