Y5 EASTER – What is the message of Easter for the world today?

This term, Year 5 have been exploring and reflecting on the message Easter brings for the world today.  We have explored the Christian preparations and observance of Lent, as well as the symbolism of Ash Wednesday for this faith community.  In order to make comparisons, the Jewish festival of Pesach was also observed from which the children were able to draw that Easter and Pesach are both festivals of remembrance to honour the sacrifices which have been made by significant figures within each faith community.

To conclude the children analysed, debated and discussed various situations that are ongoing in our world today:

  • Conflict
  • Loneliness
  • Homelessness
  • Wealth and Poverty
  • Illness and suffering

From this the children drew their own conclusions to what the message of Easter continues  bring for the world today…